
QuNeOSC Bridge

V0.9 BETA July 6, 2012 Keith McMillen Instruments
QuNeo when used in conjunction with the QuNeOSC Bridge, provides access to all of the QuNeo’s data
via OSC addresses. In addition to translating data from the QuNeo into OSC messages, the QuNeOSC
Bridge parses specific incoming OSC messages from a specified port in order to control the QuNeo’s
LEDs. The addresses are described below.
Toggle Remote LED Control activates and deactivates the QuNeo’s remote LED mode. If your LEDs are
not responsive to you OSC In messages, click this button.

Output OSC Addresses

The drum pads are indexed from 0 ­ 15 starting from the bottom left corner, ascending from left to right, and
continuing on the next row up. The drum pads send x and y coordinates, note velocity and pressure data
using the following naming convention:

Horizontal Sliders
The horizontal sliders are indexed from 0 ­ 3 from top to bottom with 0 being the top slider. The horizontal
sliders send note velocity, pressure and location data using the following naming convention:

Vertical Sliders
The vertical sliders are indexed from 0 ­ 3 starting from left to right. The vertical sliders send note velocity,
pressure and location data using the following naming convention:

Long Slider
The “long slider” is a single, horizontal slider located below the drum pads. The long slider sends note
velocity, pressure and location data like the horizontal and vertical sliders, but with the addition of width (the
distance between two fingers on the slider) using the following naming convention:

The two circular rotaries are numbered 0 and 1, on the left and right respectively. The rotaries send note
velocity, pressure, location and direction data using the following naming convention:

Up/Down Buttons
The up/down bank buttons are located on either side of the long slider. On the left side the buttons will both
be numbered 0, and on the right both will be numbered 1. The up/down buttons send note velocity and
pressure data using the following convention:

Left/Right Buttons
The left/right bank buttons are located to the left of the horizontal sliders. They are indexed from 0 ­ 3
starting with the top button on each side. The left/right buttons send note velocity and pressure data using
the following convention:

Rhombus Button
The rhombus button is located below the two rotaries. The rhombus button sends note velocity and
pressure data using the following naming convention:

Mode Button
The mode button is located at the top left of the controller. The mode button sends note velocity and
pressure data using the following naming convention:

Transport Buttons
The three transport buttons are at the top left side of the controller and include the diamond, square, and
rectangle buttons which are indexed in that order from 0 ­ 2 respectively. The transport buttons send note
velocity and pressure data using the following convention:

LED Input Addresses

/quneo/leds/pads/0­15/green (brightness value 0.­ 1.)

Long Slider
/quneo/leds/longslider/0­15 (location value 0.­ 1.)

Horizontal Sliders
/quneo/leds/hSliders/0­3/0­7 (brightness value 0.­ 1.)

Vertical Sliders
/quneo/leds/vSliders/0­3/0­7 (brightness value 0.­ 1.)

/quneo/leds/rotaries/0­1/0­11 (brightness value 0.­ 1.)

UpDown Buttons
/quneo/leds/upButton/0­1 (brightness value 0.­ 1.)
/quneo/leds/downButton/0­1 (brightness value 0.­ 1.)

LeftRight Buttons
/quneo/leds/leftButton/0­1 (brightness value 0.­ 1.)
/quneo/leds/rightButton/0­1 (brightness value 0.­ 1.)

Rhombus Button
/quneo/leds/rhombus (brightness value 0.­ 1.)

Mode Button
/quneo/leds/modeButton (brightness value 0.­ 1.)

Transport Buttons
/quneo/leds/transportButtons/0­2 (brightness value 0.­ 1.)