Open Sound Control (OSC)

Define OSC Interfaces and an OSCTRLable Interface of base commands to work together and be managed by the OSCTRLer.

liblo: Lightweight OSC implementation(external link)
pyliblo: liblo Python wrapper(external link)
NON Session Management API(external link)
Psychosynth OSC interface manual(external link)
LiVES OSC(external link)
Scalable and Dynamic Interface for Open Sound World using OSC(external link)
Improving the Efficiency of OSC with Compressed Address Strings(external link)

http://openmediacontrol.wetpaint.com/page/summary(external link)
https://github.com/fabb/SynOSCopy/wiki(external link)
http://home.roadrunner.com/~jgglatt/OSC_Synth/osc_synth.htm(external link)


Scala(external link) is super dope. The Scale Scale File Format(external link) already has over 4000 particpants. This file format for musical tunings is a standard for exchange of scales.

The Earth Orchestra a P2P instrument.
  • uses things like OSC, Scala, and Csound
  • using OSC timestamped bundles to agree on what media (sounds, video, etc) will be played together into the future